New Autoimmune online program coming January 2025
Autoimmune Health: The Four Part Plan
My new online autoimmune nutrition program
Autoimmune Health: The Four Part Plan
I’ve been thinking about this online program for a couple of years now, running through different structures in my head, working out how to make it most effective.
I’ve realised it needs to do three things:
explain why things work, to remove the mystique around nutrition and autoimmunity, and to give people enough information that they can confidently apply it in a variety of situations and adapt it to their preferences;
combine steps from four specific areas of nutrition - it’s how we combine certain steps together that really makes a difference; and
within each of the four areas, give people a range of steps to choose from, to increase their sense of agency and allow them to make use of their own intuition alongside my guidance.
I also know that while some people will want to follow the program in private, others will want the opportunity to come and ask questions and to talk to me about how they are getting on.
So there will also be a regular drop-in session that people can come to, that will be very informal and relaxed, and will just give us time to talk through things. People can drop in for just a few minutes at any point within the session to ask a quick question, or stay for longer to listen to what other people are talking about and what advice I am giving them.
I am putting all of this together at the moment and plan to have it ready for January 2025.